The best chauffeur service Venice for your personal city tour

In the Veneto Region, in the waters of the Adriatic, is one of the most romantic and evocative places in the world, a priceless treasure: the Venetian Lagoon. And these are some of the reasons for choosing chauffeur service Venice.

At the heart of this legendary Province is the Serenissima or Most Serene Republic, with its characteristic bridges spanning the canals navigated by gondolas, its monuments, piazzas, narrow lanes and silent waters. Venice, chauffeur service Venice is actually a group of fascinating small islands, where art and history combine with old trades and the beauty of the sea.

Sandy beaches washed by the Adriatic Sea characterize the main resorts that offer vacationers every kind of comfort. The fascinating inland is composed of many paths traversing the green scenery, along with peaceful rivers that pass through small towns rich in history and fabulous villas.

It is an area full of the exquisite flavors of its typical dishes and a renowned “wine list.” Venice, chauffeur service Venice Many opportunities for fun abound as well: outdoor sports, nightlife in the many glamorous night spots, and shopping in the typical crafts workshops to buy souvenirs.


La biondina in gondoleta

Partivo una mattina co’i’ vapore
La Biondina in gondoleta
L’altra sera gh’ho menà:
Dal piaser la povareta,
La s’ha in bota indormenzà.

La dormiva su sto brazzo,
Mi ogni tanto la svegiava,
Ma la barca che ninava
La tornava a indormenzar.

G’era in cielo mezza sconta
Fra le nuvole la luna,
G’era in calma la laguna,
G’era il vento bonazzà.

Una solo bavesela
Sventolava i so’ caveli,
E faceva che dai veli
Sconto el sen non fusse più.

Contemplando fisso fisso
Le fatezze del mio ben,
Quel viseto cussi slisso,
Quela boca e quel bel sen;

Me sentiva drento in petto
Una smania, un missiamento,
Una spezie de contento
Che no so come spiegar!

So’ sta’ un pezzo respettando,
Quel bel sonno ho sopportà,
Benché amor di quando in quando,
Ei m’avesse assai tentà

M’ho provà buttarme zoso
Là con ella pian pianino;
Ma col foco da vicino
Non potevo riposar.
M’ho stufà po’ finalmente,
De ‘sto tanto so’ dormir,
E gh’ho fato da insolente,
No m’ho avuto da pentir;

Perchè, oh Dio, che bele cosse
Che gh’ho dito, e che gh’ho fato!
No, mai più tanto beato
Ai mii zorni no son sta.

take a look to your next travel choice in Venice